The 27th Annual Leas Family
Meeting Minutes
August 9, 1906
Researched and submitted by Lucy Funk ebethgen1@... and Arlene Goodwin
The annual reunion of the Leas family was held at the commodious home of Mr. and
Mrs. D. L. Leas on South Wayne street, last Thursday, Aug. 9, 1906. The day
proved a complete success, although the threatening rain in the morning kept
some away. However, there were one hundred twenty-six present. The following is
a list of those present: Mrs. Amanda Leas, Mrs. Ruth Leas, Mrs. Amanda Hendry,
Earl D. Leas, wife and three children, Wayne, Ralph and Vernon, from Angola,
Ind.; Mrs. Ann Leas, Jacob H. Leas and wife, John S. Leas, daughter, Kadus and
son, Lloyd, Hezekiah R. Leas, wife and five children, Carl, Norma, Bonnie,
Herber and Ralph, David W. Leas and son Fay, Marion Sparks, wife and four
children, Ward, Vern, Earl and Wanda, William A. Leas and wife, L. R. Waterman
and wife, John T. Leas and three sons, Freeman, Ward and Warren, Marvin Leas,
wife and daughter, Mildred, from Hudson, Ind.; James B. Whysong, wife an two
sons, Harold and Van, C. S. Thompson and wife, from Ashley, Ind.; Oscar H.
Taylor, wife and son Russel, John L. Taylor, wife and son, Oscar A., B.B. Taylor
and wife, M. J. Waterman, and three daughters, Mabel, Grace and Ruth, from
Hamilton, Ind.; George W. Deitrick and wife, Carl Schomberg, wife and son,
Frank, from Auburn, Ind.; Douglas Deitrick, wife and daughter, Lucile, Mrs.
Addie Brummond and son, Ory, O. L. Waterman, C. Deitrick and C. E. Berry, from
Fort Wayne, Ind.; George Parr, wife, from Helmer, Ind.; E.B. Whysong and wife,
Fred Whysong, wife and two children, Luella and Alice, from Pleasant Lake,
Indiana; L. M. Leas, L. A. Housely, wife and daughter Florence, Mrs. Charles
Smathers, Carl Rice, Roscoe Rice, from Canton, Ohio; Doctor Ralph C. Wallace and
wife, from Brockport, New York; D. L. Leas, wife and daughter Stella, Obediah
Leas and wife, H. K. Leas, Albert Yeagy, wife and daughter, Leora, Byron Leas,
wife, Frank Leas, wife and two daughters, Reuah and Verna. Mrs. Henry Boozer and
son, Ralph, Mrs. Cassie Beard and daughter, Etta, T.E. Imhoff, wife and son,
Harry, Ira Till, wife and five children, Fern, Fay, Thelma, Bessie and Carle,
William D. Beard, C. B. Williamson, F. M. Beidler and Miss Lulu Hine, of
At noon the guest were comfortably seated at an L shaped table under the
beautiful maples on the south of the residence, the sons and daughters of the
late John Leas Jr., Jacob H., John S, William H., Obediah, Hezekiah K., Daniel
L. Leas, Elizabeth L. Taylor and Adaline Waterman, being seated in the shorter
end of the "L", the remaining guest occupying the longer part thereof. The table
beautiful decorated with flowers, Thanks was returned by Mr. L. A. Housely, of
Canton, Ohio. All partook of the supply and a good quantity was left. After
dinner a large picture of the assembly was made by R. W. McBride. The following
program was rendered: Vocal Solo, "At Last,"Miss Fearne Leas. Secretary's Report
of meeting of 1905 read and adopted. Monologue, Elixir of Youth," five parts,
Miss Fearne Leas. Recitation, "An old Played Out? Song, " Grace Waterman.
Recitation, "When the Fairies Lived Here, " Ruth Waterman. History of Leas
Family last year by Secretary, showing three births and one death and one
marriage during the year. Recitation "Two Little Kittens," Fern Till.
Recitation, "Pumpkin Seed I Planted." Florence Housely. Recitation, "The Little
Questioner, " Fay Till. Recitation, "A Slight Misunderstanding," Mildred Leas.
Recitation, "Asleep in Church," Etta Beard. Vocal Solo, "Why Don't you Try?"
Fearne Leas. The usual contest at base ball between DeKalb and Steuben county
representatives occurred, with Wayne Leas as umpire. The honors fell to DeKalb.
Souvenir Buttons with the pictures of D. L. Leas and family and the date, place
of meeting were presented by the hosts to each guest. Before saying farewell the
family and guest had light refreshments, ice cream and cake, and parted with a
good cheer for their respective homes, except those from other states, who
remained with friends until the 12th. The next annual meeting will be held at
the home of J. H. Leas, Hudson, Ind., on Aug. 15, 1907. The officers for the
year are Jacob H. Leas, President and William H. Leas, Secretary. (Re: Waterloo
Press - Aug. 16, 1906)
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