The 28th Annual Leas Family
Meeting Minutes
August 8, 1907
Researched and submitted by Lucy Funk ebethgen1@... and Arlene Goodwin
The Leas family reunion was held at the residence of Jacob H. Leas at Hudson,
Ind. August 8, 1907. Among the earlier settlers of Steuben county, Indiana, in
Salem township, was John Leas, Jr., who settled on a part of Sec.35, Tp. 36 N.R.
12 E. Mr. Leas located at that place in 1842, where he resided until 1868. The
family, with relatives and friends assembled at the residence of the oldest
surviving son, Jacob H. Leas, who resides on the W. 1/2 S. E. 1/4 of Section 25
in that township, on the said date and by resister 126 were present by time
dinner was prepared. Among those present were the six sons and two daughters of
the early pioneer. Two of the sons have always been continuous residents of that
township, Jacob H. Leas having from the time of leaving his father's home
settled on the place where he now lives which at the time was an unbroken forest
and out of which, he by his labor, has one of the most beautiful farms of
Indiana. It is needless to say that all resent had a most enjoyable day and
enjoyed the meeting. Among those present were many from Steuben and DeKalb
counties, also a representation from several residents of other states. A report
to births during the year shows 3; marriages 1, and deaths 1.
After the noon hour a report of the previous meeting of 1906 was read, and an
address was given by Mrs. Charles Thomson; recitations by several of the
children, "The Picnic," Etta Beard; "Helping Mother." Wanda Sparks; "Jack in the
Well," Faye Leas; "Burdock's Goat" Mildred Leas, and "Milking Time," Etta Beard.
H. K. Leas then told a story of forty years ago. The register shows the
following were present: Jacob Leas, Clara A. Leas, Addie W. ___an, William H.
Leas, Emma D. Leas, Allie Deitrick, Ada Whysong, James Whysong, Ann Leas, John
S. Leas, Lydia Leas, Lloyd Leas, William Leas, Jennie Leas, Joseph Leas, Della
Leas, Russel Leas, Hilda Leas, B. B. Taylor, Edna Taylor, Byron Leas, Otie Leas,
William Marks, Tillie Marks. Frank Leas, Clara Leas, Reuah Leas, Verna Leas, J.
Albert Leas, Wayne D. Leas, Ralph Leas, Vern Leas, Belle Dunlap, Carrie Leas,
Jennie Leas, Marvin Leas, Mildred Leas, L. R. Waterman, Mabel M. Waterman, M. J.
Sparks, Nancy J. Sparks, Ward Sparks, Vern Sparks, Earl Sparks, Wanda Sparks, D.
L. Leas. Nellie M. Leas, Fearne Leas, M. J. Waterman, Otto Waterman, Mabel
Waterman, Grace Waterman, Ruth Waterman, J. Wayne Waterman, Estella Leas Peters,
Decatur, Zella Farmer, Oakland City; Obe Leas, Lydia Leas, George Parr,
Catherine Parr, Bessie Parr, Carle Schomberg, Lulu Schomberg, Frank Schomberg,
Auburn; A. M. Leas, Ruth Leas, Angola; Oscar H. Taylor, Libbie Taylor, Hamilton;
Honnie Leas, Gibbon Neb., M. A. Averill, Mrs. F. N. Averill, Portland, Ore.;
Norma Leas, Bonnie Leas, Gand_us Leas, H. B. Weight and wife, Angola; Harry
Dunlap, H. K. Leas, Ida M. Leas, Grace Wilcox, H. K. Leas, Carle Leas, Heber
Leas, Ralph Leas, Caroline Leas, William Wilhelm, Electa Wilhelm, Shirley
Wilhelm, Clyde Wilhelm, Cassie Beard, Etta Beard, Annetta Hood, Paul Hood, Ira
Till, Cora Till, Fearne Till, Faye Till, Thelma Till, Bessie Till, Carl Till,
John L. Taylor, Blanche Taylor Oscar Taylor, Charles Parnell, and wife, Mrs.
Philip Parnell, D. W. Leas, Merty Leas, Fay Leas, Frank Nelson, Emma Nelson,
Ellis Whysong, Josie Whysong, George Deitrick, Alice Deitrick, Auburn, Ward
Leas, Freeman Leas, Arien Leas, Elmer Leas, C. S. Thomson, Libbie Thomas, Russel
L. Taylor F. C. Deitrich. In the afternoon, by choice of sides, the younger men
selected a base ball team for their usual annual contest and at the same the
honors were a tie.
The election of the ensuing year officers was as follows: President, John S.
Leas; secretary, William H. Leas; Treasurer, D. L. Leas. The president then
named the date of the reunion for 1908 to be held at his residence in Salem
township, August 20, 1908. The souvenir cards consisted of cards with a
monogram, Leas, August 8, 1907, on which were photos of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Leas.
The design was drawn by Mrs. F. N. Averill, of Portland, Or.; Virgil Cline, of
Angola, photographer, took a group picture of the people assembled and informed
the writer that those wishing copies of the same could procure them at his
studio in Angola. Respectfully Yours, William H. Leas, Sec'y, Jacob H. Leas,
Pres. (Re: Waterloo Press - Aug. 15, 1907)
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