The 35th Annual Leas Family
Meeting Minutes
August, 1915
Researched and submitted by Lucy Funk ebethgen1@... and Arlene Goodwin
The thirty-fifth annual reunion of the Leas family was held in Waterloo on
Friday of last week, at the very pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Leas. The
event proved to be of more interest than heretofore, as do the succeeding
reunions as the numbers increase. There were eighty-eight present at this
reunion, and it was a happy event, the guest arriving early in the day and
enjoying the social hours before the big picnic dinner. The afternoon was given
to an interesting program, telling of reminiscences and a general good time. At
four o'clock ice cream and cake was served as the concluding feature of the day.
At the noon hour after the tables had been heavily laden with
appetite-encouraging things, the host, D. L. Leas, in a brief address, bade
hearty welcome to the guest and indulged in witticisms appropriate to the
occasion. Prayer was offered by Mrs. Byron Leas after which the guest proceeded
to devour the good things which had been prepared for them. Following the
dinner, W. H. Leas, secretary of the reunion, read the minutes of the preceding
reunion and the following program was rendered. Piano duet, Miss Fearne Leas and
Ruth Waterman; recitation, Wava Nelson; recitation, Irene Marks; solo, R. E.
Peters; pioneer stories relating to the Leas family, Miss Ora Yeagy; recitation,
Leah Peters; and report of births and deaths and marriages, William H. Leas.
John Leas, whose descendant celebrated today, was one of the pioneer residents
of northern Indiana. He came here in 1839 and was one of the first three
families to settle in Salem township, Steuben county. In 1869 he moved to
Waterloo, where he resided until his death, June 16, 1897. He was the father of
twelve children, seven of whose names follow, survive: Jacob H. Leas, Hudson;
William H. Leas, Waterloo; Obediah Leas, Waterloo; H. K. Leas, Waterloo;
Elizabeth L. Taylor, Hamilton; Adeline Waterman, Hamilton and D. L. Leas,
Waterloo. D. L. Leas, the host at the reunion was voted a royal entertainer. The
1916 reunion will be presided over by Jacob H. Leas, and Attorney William H.
Leas will be secretary. (Re: Waterloo Press - Sept. 2, 1915)
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