The 37th Annual Leas Family
Meeting Minutes
August, 1917
Researched and submitted by Lucy Funk ebethgen1@... and Arlene Goodwin
The thirty-seventh annual reunion of the Leas family was held at the home of
Mrs. H. R. Leas northwest of Hudson last Thursday. At an early hour the
relatives and friends assembled, and the register, shows that there were in
attendance 134, all came with well filled baskets, had an enjoyable time until
the hour of 12 arrived when a sumptuous dinner was served on the lawn in front
of the residence. The oldest person present was Mrs. A. M. Leas, of Angola, and
the youngest child being that of Ward and Zema Sparks, Richard Daniel Sparks,,
born on June 5th, 1917, during the past year there were five births and four
marriages, one death. After the noon hour a business meeting was held. Jacob H.
Leas was elected President; William H. Leas secretary, Mrs. R. E. Peters
Assistant Secretary, Marion Sparks Treasurer. A short program consisting of
music, by Dr. and Mrs. Doctor Tracy, Welcome address by Ruby Leas, Talk by R. E.
Peters and Fay Leas. Those from a distance in attendance, were Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Rice, Canton, Ohio, Mrs. and Mrs. C. W. Smathers, Canton, Ohio. Mr. and
Mrs. R. E. Peters and daughter Leah V. of Fort Wayne, Mrs. A. M. Leas, Mrs. Ruth
Leas, Mr. And Mrs. G. Y. Daum, Angola, Mrs. A. L. Cameron, Chicago, Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Thompson, Ashley, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Taylor,
Mrs. Benj. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Waterman, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. H. K.
Leas, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Leas, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Leas, Mr. and Mrs. Bryon Leas,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schomberg, W. H. Leas, Mr. and Mrs. O. Leas, of Waterloo and
Mrs. P. Hamman, Butler. In the afternoon a game of base-ball was indulged in by
the younger people, in which the "Leas Family" was winner, at the hour of 3:30
the hostess served Ice Cream Cake and Lemonade, and the relatives and friends
adjourned to meet in August 1918 at School Park, in Waterloo, the date to be
fixed by the President. (Re: Waterloo Press - Aug. 30 1917)
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