The 84th Annual Leas Family
Meeting Minutes
August 2, 1964
Leas Family Holds Reunion
(This article was cut from a newspaper, most likely the Auburn Evening Star)The 84th annual reunion of the Leas family was held in School Memorial Park in Waterloo on Sunday, August 2, with 56 persons in attendance. The family of John S. Leas served as hosts and hostesses. Wava Nelson Perkins of Hudson, a granddaughter, was president. She was assisted by her husband, Elmer J. Perkins, and members of her family.
Ed Lautzenhiser of Pleasant Lake gave the invocation prior to the dinner which was served cafeteria style.
Letters were received from Kenneth Waterman, Bloomington, Harriet Wenger, Battle Creek, Michigan; Winona G. Davies, Springville, Utah; Elizabeth Leas Wallace, Brockport, New York; Harry Dunlap, Spokane, Washington; Anna Lowmiller Johnson, Stuebenville, Ohio; Merle Leas, St. Paul, Minnesota; Dorothy Singleton, Sacramento, California; and C. Shimp, Springfield, Illinois.
Those in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rhinehart and daughter, Julia, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Leas, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Stockwell and son, Kevin Lynn, Miss Verna Leas and Jill and Jack Wren of Hudson; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oberlin, Mrs. R. Earl Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Fay W. Leas, Mr. and Mrs. Van Whysong, Mrs. W. Robert Fleming, and Leona Heckman of Fort Wayne; Mrs. and Mrs. Harry Bloom, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dangler, Jr. of Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schomberg of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Surfus, Carl Leas and Pearl McInturf of Angola, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Leas of Noblesville; Mr. and Mrs. Lautzenhiser of Pleasant Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fowler, Allison and Allan Fowler of Fr. Lauderdale, Florida; Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Burford and son, David, Mrs. Blanche Washam of Gary; Reverend and Mrs. Robert D. Leas, Michele, Kent and Annette Leas of Franklin.
Norma Leas Wren was unable to be present because of illness and will submit a complete statistical report later.
Births reported were Annette Marie Leas, daughter of Reverend and Mrs. Robert Leas, July 6, 1964 at Franklin; Kevin Lynn Stockwell, March 1, 1964 at Cameron Hospital, Angola, to Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Stockwell, Hudson; Ket Charles Oberlin, February 25, 1964 at Parkview Hospital, Fort Wayne, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oberlin, Fort Wayne; a child to Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hamman.
The deaths of Mrs. Emma Gfeller Leas, December 1, 1963, at Waterloo, Frank O. Leas, March 24, 1964 at Hudson, and Cora Lowmiller Miser, February 5, 1964 at Steubenville, Ohio, were reported.
It was reported that genealogies of the Leas family are still available.
The 1965 reunion will be held at the same place on the first Sunday in August when the family of William H. Leas will serve as hosts. Mrs. R. Earl Peters was elected president, Mrs. W. Robert Fleming, vice president and Barbara Fleming, treasurer.
Reverend Robert Leas gave the closing prayer.
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