The 120th Annual Leas Family
Meeting Minutes
August 6, 2000
The Leas Family Reunion met at the Ashley, Indiana Fire Department Meeting Room.
President David Leas opened the meeting after a potluck dinner. An announcement was made by Theda Leas Young about the Steuben County Community Foundation of Angola endowment established called the "Leas Family Memorial - Hudson Circle Cemetery Fund". It was set up by Lynn Stockwell, Alan Fowler and members of Circle Cemetery, Inc. to care for the over 100 year old cemetery in the future. Contributions will be matched by the foundation. Many Leas relatives are buried in the Circle Cemetery near Hudson, Indiana.
Carole Wilhelm read the minutes and they were accepted. The roll call was answered by families:
Leonard Leas 0 Obadiah/Frank Leas 2 Elizabeth Leas 5 Suzanne Leas Parnell 0 Martin Van Buren Leas 2 John Leas 2 Warren Leas 33 Hezekiah Leas 3 Total 47 The hall is now controlled by the Fire Department, but possibly a meeting area at the new city building will be available to rent. The is the building that housed the Ashley school. Kim Nusbaum will check on the facilities.
New happenings:Reuah Leas Davis celebrated he 100th birthday with a full church and a luncheon for 100 and a party for over 300. She opened over 400 cards!
David Leas was elected to the City Council of Greensburg, Indiana.Mark and Treva Leas are expecting a baby in October.
Christie Yoder, daughter of Paul and Becky (Leas) Yoder, graduated from Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana and is a nurse at Parkview Hospital in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Lela (Leas) Holben, wife of Jeff Holben and daughter of Mike and Kay Leas graduated from IT&T in Fort Wayne and is work as a dental Hygienist in Fort Wayne.
Dennis Leas bought a house with lots of poison ivy.
Tom Leas is remodeling his house.
Tony Carunchia, son of Kathy (Leas) Hamm is at San Angelo, Texas Air Force Base. Kathy's daughter, Mary Carunchia is continuing her education at North Carolina State after graduating from Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana.The genealogy committee of David, Dennis, Tom and Gladys Leas and Sandra (Leas) Shuman and Theda (Leas) Young will meet at Pokagon State Park on September 3, 2000 at the Leas Cousin's Reunion.
Election of officers for 2001: David Leas, President and Carole (Leas) Wilhelm, Secretary/TreasurerYoungest in attendance:
6 year old Corey Douiglas, son of Mike and Amy (Shuman) Douglas and grandson of Sandra (Leas) Shuman.
Oldest in attendance:
100 year old Reuah (Leas) Davis.
Traveled the farthest:
Amelia Leas from Bloomington, Indiana and the David Leas Family from Greensburg, Indiana.
The collection was $74.52. Next year's meeting place, $50.00 (hopefully). This year's drinks, $24.52.
Carole (Leas) Wilhelm, Secretary/Treasurer
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