The 122nd Annual Leas Family
Meeting Minutes
August 4, 2002
The Leas Family Reunion met at the Hudson Senior Citizen Center, Hudson, Indiana. President David Leas opened the meeting after a potluck dinner. Carole Wilhelm read the minutes and they were accepted. The roll call was answered by families:
Leonard Leas 0 Obediah/Frank Leas 2 Elizabeth Leas 2 Suzanne Leas Parnell 0 Martin Van Buren Leas 1 John Leas 0 Warren Leas 31 Total 36 BIRTHS:
Abby Lynn Snider, November 8, 2001, daughter of Tim and Jackie Snider - Granddaughter of Phil and Linda (Leas) Snider.
Mitchell Timothy Klostermann, December 24, 200, son of Tim and Teresa Klostermann - Grandson of Vic and Natalie (Leas) Klostermann.
Cory Lee Hansher, Jr., April 2, 2002, son of Kristi and Cory Hansher - Grandson of Vic and Natalie (Leas) Klostermann.
Timothy Klostermann to Cory Hansher, June 5, 1999 - Parents of Vic and Natalie (Leas) Klostermann..
Thelma Beatrice (Westbrook) Leas, wife of Norman Eugene Leas, Sr. Born: November 25, 1917 Died: August 17, 2001.
Arnold M. "Jake" Leas, son of Warren and Leola Leas and wife of Helen (Strait) Leas. Born: July 19, 1915 Died: September 17. 2001
Carrol Leas, son of Hazel Pepple and Timothy Leas. Born: February 17, 1919 Died: May 4, 2002
Olga Reinoehl Taylor, wife of Roscoe Taylor. Born: May 1, 1920 Died: April 15, 2002
Reunion News:
Tish (Leas) Hart is a semi finalist in an International Society Poetry Contest. She will travel to Washington, D.C. on August 23rd for a Poetry Convention.
Tammy (Leas) Long's family:- Billy Long graduated from Dekalb High School. He is already on the Dean's list for his scores on admissions test to IUPU Fort Wayne.
- Melissa Ort graduated from Dekalb High School an will attend IUPU Fort Wayne.
- Travis Ort will graduate from Dekalb High School in 2003 and will be going to Army boot camp in Georgia in July, 2003Kathy Leas' daughter, Mary Carunchia Wetstien graduated with a Master's Degree in Food Science from North Caroline State., Raleigh, NC. She has been accepted to a doctorate program at NC State.
Paul and Becky (Leas) Yoder children:Kristy Yoder is a trauma nurse at Parkview Emergency Department in Fort Wayne, IN
Carolyn Yoder will be a sophomore at Purdue University majoring in political science.
Jenny Yoder graduated from Dekalb High School and will be a freshman at Purdue University majoring in nursing.Mike and Amy (Shuman) Douglas' son, Corey Douglas earned a reserved grand champion for division 1 Weeds in 4-H and went to the Indiana State Fair his first year as a member.
Terry and Kim (Myers) Nusbaum family:Jill Nusbaum graduated cum laude from Bradley University in Peoria, IL in May 2002 majoring in Broadcasting, Radio, and Communications.
Lori Nusbaum received Academic Honors from Dekalb County Tri Kappa at the annual banquet in 2002.
Steven Nusbaum received 11 stitches in his leg from a 4 wheeler accident, but is doing fine.David Leas is a Greensburg, Indiana City Council Member and he brought a photo of a plaque listing his name that is displayed in the newly constructed and dedicated police department headquarters.
Pictures were passed around of the June 30, 2002 Leas Cousin Reunion which were edited and enhanced to include Aunt Phyllis, Patricia, Richard and BJ Knight.
Genealogy News:
Discussion was held on what kind of cover to get and it was decided to go with the three ring binder style instead of a bound book. This way pages can be added. Each person could get their binder to bring the cost to $10.00 each. A CD Multi Media would be available also. Kathy (Leas) Hamm made this motion and Tammy Long seconded it. Motion passed. 150 copies are being printed and the $10.00 fee is being collected by David Leas to start the process. Last date to order will be 2002 Labor Day Sunday at the cousins reunion in Pokagon State Park.
The next Leas Reunion will be on August 3, 2002 at the Hudson Senior Citizen Center.
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