The 128th Annual Leas Family
Meeting Minutes
August 3, 2008
President Dennis Leas called the meeting to order with 37 people present.
Last year's minutes were read and a motion was made by Kathy Leas to approve
and a second was made by Sandy Shuman. Motion carried.
The financial report was read and approved by Jean Leas who said "The $15.00
for the renovated Jackson-township firehall was well worth it."
Dennis stated that "some people were even cold."
The second was made by Dean Leas. Motion carried.
Dennis Leas read a writing
from Phyllis Knight titled:
"Discovering Talent"
Everyone has a special talent waiting to be discovered. Some never do depending on
circumstances at that time--some discover it later in life, but you have talent!!
Being number 8 from a large family of 9 children,
I realize everyone of those 9 children had their own talent.
Larry: Good at repairing things especially cars, truck driver, mechanic and
through education an aeronautical engineer.
Lyle: Was adamant about politics and how he planed to help. Excellent writer and song talent.
Gene: Marriage came early for him and the responsibilities for a family, but he was
a cartoonist just like "Conrad". Enjoying his guitar.
Latriealle: Eloped at 18 but found her talent in giving piano music lessons but found out
she could "whistle just like a mockingbird". Her rendition of "trees" was just beautiful, truely artistic.
Arnold: He worked to overcome stuttering and a heart condition and through education became a
chemical engineer with ideas to "better the world".
Bob: The comic story teller of the family, a real down to earth sense of humor. Through education
became an engineer. He joined the Navy not accepting an officers rank but just to
see "what is was like" for the enlisted. What a story he could tell, especially as a "drummer"
in the circus days.
Rex: Trombone was his life--his rendition of "Lassus Trombone" was his signiture masterpiece.
He also joined the Navy and learned he was to play "Nearer to God" if the ship went down.
Became a music teacher.
Phyllis Number 8: Joined the Waves and discovered adventure everywhere. She also writes short stories.
Vance: The baby of the family, truck driver, family comic and really enjoyed his family.
So you see each one of us have talent just waiting to be discovered!
Thank-you for sharing.
Kathy Leas wanted it put into the minutes a "Big
Thank-you" for all the work done for the reunion.
David has been busy and taken 2,000 new entries in the genealogy. The GOAL
for next year is to get a DVD done for distribution.
Chris Myers made a motion to pay back Tammy Leas Long for the extra $15.00
that she paid for the hall. (The price changed with RENOVATION which
included: central air added, bathroom re-done, kitchen re-done, hall dry
walled and painted, all new tables for the hall.) (Jackson township fire
hall also has baseball diamonds(2) to use.) Second was voted unanimously.
Dennis Leas suggested that a committee of 3 people be formed to see if they
can find a better place for reunions so the kids would have more things to
do. The other option was mentioned was to combine the cousin reunion or
change to another date. It was seconded by Kathy Leas. Motion carried.
A discussion of the options were discussed and a vote was taken and it was
voted 22 to 15 to keep the same date. Which is the first Sunday in August.
It was seconded by Phil Snider. Motioned carried.
Dennis also asked for volunteers for this committee.
The volunteers were: Amy Douglass, Carol Wilhelm, and Tammy Long. With
Linda Snider to be the chairperson.
The committee was given some boundaries which are as follows:
* $75.00 max amount to spend for the hall.
* It is to have air conditioning.
* Have at least 4 hours to have the reunion and have a short meeting.
* The committee was given 30 days to make a decision of where to have the reunion.
Motion was made by Dennis Leas to accept the
boundaries a second was made by Kathy Leas motion carried.
A motion was made to form a "Kid committee" to find things for the kids to
do at the reunion.
Motion second by Kylie Myers. Motion carried.
Amy Shuman said" we have a canopy and we could use it for the kids."
Kathy Leas volunteered for this committee and would take any ones help that
want to help her.
Motion unanimously second. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Dennis Leas that a TREE person be used for each family
so 1 person is not responsible for letting everyone know about the reunion.
A second was made by Kathy Leas. Motion carried.
Election of officers: A motion was made to keep existing officers made by
Carol Wilhelm and seconded by Cory Douglas. Motion carried.
A tie with a distance of aprox 140 miles.
Sally and Glen Grubaugh and Dennis Leas.
Issac Holben (9mo)
a tie of same birth date 80 yrs respectively
Vance Leas and Harold Wilhelm.
Jeff and Lela Holben:
Gideon Lee Holben B 4-12-2006
Issac Michael Holben B 10-24-2007 both @ Lutheran Hospital, Ft Wayne, IN.
Mike and Kay Leas grandson:
Lennon Cornet B 4-29-2008
to Mackenzie Mickle (Mike & Kay Leas)
and Roy Cornett in New Albany, IN.
Tom and Jean Leas have their first grandchild:
Henry Benjamin Zwicki B 9-19-2007
to Jill and Ben Zwicki
Jill Nichole and Kenny Mark Jennings:
Allison Nicole Jennings B 7-10-2008 in Ft Wayne, IN.
Angela Nichoel(Milliaman) and Jeff Leon Jennings:
Jaden Noah Jennings B 5-14-2004 in Sturgis, MI
Jakeb Moses Jennings B 6-28-2006 in Sturgis, MI
Abigail Faith Jennings B 3-17-2008 in Sturgis, MI
Steven and Knoll Nusbaum:
Journii Rose Nusbaum (daughter) B 7-22-2008
Phil and Linda Snider's son, Matt is getting married August 9, 2008.
Linda and Phil's grandson(1yr old) has underwent a double surgery and has a
permanent colostomy and had repaired a valve in his throat so he can swallow
food correctly.
Phil Snider brought up a relative of Jacob Leas (brother to John Leas)
tombstone was vandalized in the waterloo cemetery. He was wondering if
anyone wanted to restore it.
Carol Wilhelm said "Waterloo already had a committee working on that issue."
Carol Wilhelm said " that Kim and Terry Nusbaum are having the cousin
reunion on August 30.
They are combining it with a reception for their Daughter Jill.
Everyone is invited."
Jill Nusbaum and Cortland Griebel were married 8-30-2007.
Carolyn Yoder is getting married on August 16, 2008 to Bryan Thomas Smith.
Kylie Myers graduated from DHS and will attend Ball State majoring in
Elementary Ed.
Travis Vanbibler is in Kuwait now.
Tony Carunchia has learned several new languages. He has been to Azar,
Bejing and says that the country is both beautiful and ugly. He is now
stationed in Washington, DC.
Arlien Reinoel Mertz who had a serious accident in January and is now at
home and has been able to wash dishes. She is getting better everyday and is
still recovering.
Dennis Leas' daughter Amelia will attend the University of Chicago.
She will be in the Masters degree program.
Linda and Dean Leas have now been married for 45 years!
Dean Leas said" that Linda was his first wife."
Linda Leas said" That it took 45 years to train Dean."
Linda also said "that when Linda Leas Snider got married she took over her
name and then she was Linda Leas."
Julie Leas said "That Dean turned out OK after all."
Sally Grubaugh said "that she got her education from the Leas'."
Mike Douglas said "He can count. And he went to DeKalb High School"
Jeff Lemar graduated from Churusbusco High School.
Elizabeth is JUNE LEAS' real first name.
Vance and June have been married for 58 years now!
Mollye Leas got DAR good citizen, and graduated High School and made the
State Track's finals.
Travis Ort has started the electrician's apprenticeship program.
Bill Long and Sara Carpenter were married yesterday
and the reception was held at the Elegant Occasion in Huntertown.
They live in Arlington, TX.
Balance 1.87
Collection 2008 + 123.00
TOTAL 124.87
Vote to pay back
Tammy Leas Long -15.00
for the hall 2008
back Linda Snider -15.00
for renting
Sunset Park for 2009
AUGUST 2009 94.47
Respectively Submitted
Tammy Leas Long
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