Thonis Klincken
(Abt 1619-Abt 1710)
Wilhelm Luken
Abraham (Tunis) Tunes
Beatrix (Boetzen) Luken
Anthony Tunis


Family Links

1. Mary Williams

Anthony Tunis 1

  • Born: 1693, Germantown, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, USA
  • Marriage (1): Mary Williams on 5 Dec 1718 in Merion, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USA
  • Died: 1762, Lower Merion, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USA at age 69

  General Notes:

Anthony Tunis rented, in 1746, what had been, since 1709, the "Wayside

Inn", and also the "William Penn Inn", from the heirs of Robert Jones, its founder and owner.

On his assumption of the Inn, Anthony added an Ordinary Room, or

"restaurant" to the Inn; On the basis of this addition, the

Inn now became known as "Tunis Ordinary". It continued as such until

after his death in 1762, his heirs continued to operate

it until 1776.

Since the location of Tunis Ordinary was at one of the main

intersections of the Philadelphia-Lancaster road, and the main

highway to the just-then opening West, with ever increasing traffic, the

Inn-Ordinary became an important stopping place, and

a center of activity for the township itself.

Anthony Tunis, from all accounts was an affable, gregarious person. He

was apparently not only an inn-keeper, but was also

reported to have been a fine, experienced blacksmith; his Inn was also

the local post office, and it is reported that

Benjamin Franklin visited there in 1763, on his inspection tour of the

province as Postmaster-General of the Colonies, and

supposed to have helped sort the mail on that visit. Anthony was also

sheriff of Lower Merion Township.

From remaining accounts, the price of a meal at "Tunis Ordinary" was two

shillings, the same price charged for lodging a man

and feeding his horse overnight. Anthony died between the time he wrote

his will, 6th day, 2nd month, 1762, and the date of

probate, which was 29th day, 3rd month, 1762, leaving his son, Joseph as

sole executor, and son Abraham, as trustee. In his

will he names wife, Mary, sons Joseph and Abraham, and daughters Elenor

Cooke, Alse (Alice) Lees (dec'd), Agnes, Catherine

(Kite), Elizabeth, Hannah Reber, Bathsheba (Griffith, and six

grandchildren, and son-in-law, Evan Griffith.

It would seem that his family ran the Inn until 1776, when Abraham

Streeper acquired the Inn; during the Revolution, Streeper

joined the patriot cause, as First Lieutenant in the 4th Pennsylvania

Regiment of the Continental Line. He left the running

of the Inn to his wife and servants.

The Inn was known as "Streeper's Inn" until about 1795, when a lavish

reception was held to celebrate the victory of major

General Anthony Wayne at the Battle of Fallen Timbers, at which

reception the General was present, since he was a resident of

a nearby community. From that day, to the present, the Inn became known as the "General Wayne Inn", although, today, it is no longer an inn or lodging place, but still serves meals and liquors as it did from its beginnings at its location, Montgomery Avenue, Merion, Pennsylvania.

Remarks: Anthony Tunis. Co. of Philadelphia. Yeoman. Feb. 6, 1762. May 29, 1762. M.300. Wife: Mary. Children: Joseph, Abraham, trustee, Elinor Cooke, Alse Lees, Hannah Ribor and Bethsheba. Grandchildren: Elinor, Anthony and Mary Cooke; Agnes, Catherine, Tunis, Phebe and Elizabeth Lees. Son-in-Law: Evan Griffith. Exec: Son Joseph.

Pennsylvania Wills, 1682-1834

TENNIS, ANTHONY. Towamensing, Co. of Philadelphia. November 24,
1749/50. January 24, 1750. J.343.
Child: Christian.
Stepmother: Christian Tennis.
Sisters: Elizabeth Morris and Bathsheba Yeocum.
Poor of this Twp..
Exec: Jacob Gatshalick, Isaac Crawl.
Witnesses: Daniel Morgan, Daniel Williams.

Pennsylvania Wills, 1682-1834

TUNIS, ANTHONY. Co. of Philadelphia. Yeoman.
February 6, 1762. May 29, 1762. M.300.
Wife: Mary.
Children: Joseph, Abraham (trustee), Elinor (Cooke), Alse (Lees), Hannah (Ribor) and Bethsheba.
Grandchildren: Elinor, Anthony and Mary Cooke; Agnes, Catherine, Tunis, Phebe, and Elizabeth Lees. Son-in-Law: Evan Griffith. Exec: Son Joseph.
Witnesses: John Price, Richard George, Michael Gashler.

December 30, 1762
The Pennsylvania Gazette

ALL Persons indebted to the Estate of Anthony Tunis, late of Lower Merion, in the County of Philadelphia, deceased, are hereby desired to make speedy Payment, to prevent further trouble: And those having any Demands against said Estate, are desired to bring them in, that they may be settled, by JOSEPH TUNIS, Executor.

February 3, 1763
The Pennsylvania Gazette

STRAYED or stolen from a Plantation at Chestnut hill, last July, an Iron grey mare Colt, about three Years old, small boned, about ten Hands high, a long Tail, never shod, without Brand or Ear mark, and is a Trotter. Whoever takes up and secures said Colt, so that the Owner may have her again, and gives Notice, or brings her to John Shepherd, Shopkeeper on Chestnut hill, shall receive Twenty Shillings Reward, and reasonable Charges, paid by said JOHN SHEPHERD.

Came to the above Plantation, about three Months ago, a small bay Horse, a Trotter, with a white Face, and a Mark on his near Buttock, about eleven Hands high. The Owner is desired to prove his Property, pay Charges, and take him away. JOHN SHEPHERD.

To be SOLD, A valuable Spot of Ground, on Chestnut Hill, being Part of the Plantation of the late Anthony Tunis, adjoining the Lands of Mr. Charles Hobbes, and the late Mr. Henry Schleydorn, about nine Miles from Philadelphia, with a large Stone Dwelling house upon it, having four Rooms on the lower Floor, besides the Kitchen; a fine Spring in an arched Cellar, out of which the Water can be conveyed into the Kitchen, and two other Cellars besides, with several Springs about the House; a good Barn, and about 20 Acres of Land, whereof near one half is good Orchard; the Situation very healthy, and fit for a Gentleman's Country Seat, for a Farmer, or Tradesman, but more especially for the Tanning or Brewing
Business, it being in Sight of the Great Road leading to Philadelphia, and within Half a Mile of every Sort of Tradesmen whatever. If the Purchaser desires to have more land to it, the Owner, adjoining the said Place, will suit him with Meadow, Wood and Upland, from Twenty to Eighty or more Acres. The Title is indisputable, and Terms of Payment may easy. The Terms of Sale may be known, by applying to JOHN SHEPHERD, <--?--> near, or to Andrew Bower, on the Premises. Said Place may be entered on in April next.

May 19, 1763
The Pennsylvania Gazette

TO Be sold by publick Vendue, on the Ninth Day of June next, at the House of Farmer Dewees, on Chestnut hill, a valuable Spot of Ground, on Chestnut hill, containing about twenty Acres, near Half of which bearing Orchard; there is on it a large Stone Dwelling house, with four Rooms on the lower Floor; also a Kitchen and Barn; there is likewise a fine Spring in an arched Cellar, from which the Water may be
conveyed into the Kitchen. The Situation is very healthy, and fit for a Gentleman's Seat, a Tradesman, or Farmer; but more particularly for the Tanning or Brewing Business, it being in Sight of the Great Road to Philadelphia, and within Half a Mile of Tradesmen of all Sorts. It is but nine Miles from Philadelphia, and is Part of the Estate of the late Anthony Tunis, lying between the Lands of Mr. Charles Hobbs, and those
of the late Henry Schleydorn. The Title is indisputable. Attendance will be given at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, on the Day above mentioned.

November 10, 1748
The Pennsylvania Gazette

Philadelphia, November 10. 1748.

Stray'd or stolen, from the subscriber, <--?--> on the plantation of Anthony Tunis, in Merion, one black horse, branded on the shoulder with a W, and on the buttock with H, the said horse can trot and pace. Likewise one young mare, of a dark iron grey, branded on the shoulder with a figure of three, and on the buttock with D. Whoever secures the said creatures, so as the owner may have them again, shall have Twenty Shillings reward, and reasonable charges, paid by THOMAS MURNAHAN.

Radnor-Haverford-Merion MM Minutes
Anthony Tunis and wife acknowledged having shown indulgence to their daughter for marrying a first cousin.
Agnes Levering acknowledged marrying out of unity to [her] first cousin. 2 3

Anthony married Mary Williams, daughter of John Williams and Ellin Klincken, on 5 Dec 1718 in Merion, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USA. (Mary Williams was born on 7 Feb 1697 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, USA, died on 19 Sep 1769 and was buried in Merion MMH Burying Grounds, Merion, Phila..)


1 Janet Ariciu, Janet Ariciu family Bush (

2 Tunes-Klinken Family Tree ( : accessed 19 Oct 2010).

3 Karen Greim Mullian, Ancestry and Descendants of Richard and Mary (Wood) Bonsall ( : accessed 19 Oct 2010).

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